Finally I have managed to get my blog up to date. I found it difficult to post stuff in a timely manner because I started making this blog a month or so after the whole process started. It's been a while since the last update because my work life has eaten up my personal life. I'm sure a lot of you can relate to that. For those of you who don't know, I'm in a 7 month training course for a new job. It's intense and has really pulled me away from my bioptic training. It doesn't help that my driving instructor seems to have forgotten I exist. The good news is, I'm still hoping to squeeze a few driving goals in this year. I still haven't got fitted for my red filters, nor have I taken the major step of getting my permit. These 2 things I hope to complete by the new year so in Jan. or Feb. I'll be ready to really take to the road. I''m praying for God's guidance in all these matters because everything in my life seems uncertain right now. From my living circumstances, to my relationships, to this job training, to my bioptic venture, it is all in the air. Good thing God has control because I couldn't juggle all this alone. I'll keep you updated.
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